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Automatic Pita Bread Production Line

Views: 108     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2023-12-11      Origin: Site

Applications and Food

阿拉伯皮塔饼 Pita bread 又叫Arabic bread

Pita or Arabic bread

埃及大饼 Egyptian Bread

Egyptian Bread

黎巴嫩大饼 Libanese Bread

Libanese bread

巴基斯坦馕 Nana Bread

Nana bread

沙威玛饼 Sharwarma Bread

Shawarma bread

百吉馍 BaiJi Buns

Baiji Buns

Process Flow

pita bread production flow

Every Step Of Production

▇  Dough Mixing 

Mixing the flour and water into dough 

1. Two type stirrer (alternative) according to hard or soft dough;

2. Stop function when cover open and Urgent stop function

Material: SS304 stainless steel for Mixing bowel and Stirrer; Stainless steel machine shell.

dough mixer

▇  Dough Rolling Machine

Rolling the dough to sheet

1. Belt anti-deviation device  2. Press Roller quantity: 3 pcs

Material: Stainless SS304 food grade Stainless steel Dough Roller

dough rolling

▇  Bread Forming Machine

1. Mold shape and size customized.

3. Digital thickness handlewheel adjusting;

4. Frequency Speed adjustable;

Material: SS304 food grade Stainless Steel Rollers; SS304 Stainless steel Shell; Frame channel steel with powder coating treatment.

dough forming

▇   Tunnel Oven

1. Gas heating or Electric Heating as Option

2. Baking area length and width can be customized

Material: SS304 baking chains; SSS304 Stainless steel shell and frame

Tunnel oven

Product Classification

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   Add:No. 88, Huizhan West Road, High-Tech Zone 250101, Jinan city, Shandong Province, China
   Tel/Fax: +86-531-82806935 
 Mobile: 0086-18560205581

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Jinan Star Bake Machine Co., Ltd   Technical Support: e-qilai