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Working principle of Meat saline injection machine

Views: 8     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2020-11-14      Origin: Site

Meat saline injection machine

    Meat saline injection machine uses fully imported needles, made of 304 stainless steel, and uses imported needles, made of 304 stainless steel. It is strong and durable, rust-resistant and corrosion-resistant. It uses high pressure to inject the material into the meat, and the variable length pressure infiltration is enhanced injection. Quickly spread the material inside the meat block, so that the inside and outside taste of the meat block can be consistent. Improve the quality of products, and can effectively improve the flavor and yield of finished products.

    Meat saline injection machine is to inject salt water and auxiliary materials through salt water, vacuum tumble, the liquid injected into the meat is fully pickled, penetrated, and loosened the structure of muscle tissue, which is beneficial to the dissolution of myosin, and the ionic strength of the raw meat is enhanced by the additives Function and adjustment of protein and other characteristics. Injecting the prepared aqueous solution can make the meat tender and soft, thereby increasing the yield of meat products and improving the tenderness and taste of meat products.

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