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Precautions during use of Bone saw machine

Views: 31     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2020-12-14      Origin: Site

Meat bone saw machine

Today, the editor of Jinan Stabake will explain the precautions when using the Bone saw machine.

1. Before using the Bone saw machine, check it first. Be careful not to wear jewelry on your hands and try not to wear long sleeves.

2. Check whether the band tension of the Bone saw machine is proper, and whether the door cover is closed and locked.

3. Know everything on the work surface and whether it is stable and safe.

4. When using, the operator's attention should be concentrated, and pay attention to keeping hands and fingers at a safe distance from the saw band. Keep your hands away from the saw band, and don’t do anything other than sawing on the workbench.

5. After using the Bone saw machine, do not leave the machine before the saw band is completely stopped. In addition, turn off the main power switch after stopping.

In summary, do you know the precautions when using the Bone saw machine?

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